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Adopt A Tree


Adopt A Tree
Olive Grove

One of the many delights of buying our farmhouse up a track, off a track and 850 metres above sea level is that it came with 110 olive trees. The mountainous land around these parts are literally peppered with row upon row of olive trees. They wake you up with the rising sun and interrupt your view for as far as the eye can see often well beyond dusk.


Olive farming is a way of life here. Everyone is involved. It is a harsh existence, physically challenging with sadly an ever diminishing financial return. The slope of the land  is in parts gravity defying and so prevents the use of hi-tech  technology to farm  the olive. For most, including us it simply comes down to sheer hard graft.


Our farming methods cannot be truly considered to be organic though what we can assure you is that we do not use any form of pesticide or chemicals to maintain the healthy growth of our beloved trees. We simply let nature take its course.


This means That our farming calendar becomes manually more intensive;

 - Encouraging springtime weeds to grow underneath the trees to knit and inject nutrients back into the soil.  

 - Strimming the weeds late spring/early summer ahead of blossoming of the olive fruit.

 - Pruning the baby shoots during late summer/early autumn on the lower trunks to encourage maximum olive               growth. 

 - Early winter harvest - hard manual labour from dawn to dusk.

 - Late winter pruning to promote new vigorous growth.

 - Mulching the pruned branches to re-introduce natural nutrients back into the soil.


There's never a dull moment ! And the fruit of all our hard labour..............Some of the very best extra virgin olive oil which is of course incredibly healthy but even more than that, due to its powerful antioxidants, it directly benefits your heart, brain, joints and more. In fact, it may just be the healthiest fat on the planet and we should all be consuming more of it. And, what's more extra virgin olive oil is a completely natural product. That is, it is cold pressed, mostly filtered and nothing more. No heating, no chemical reactions, just pure juice.


We harvest our olives, immediately deliver them to a local independent mill to extract the juice and its ready to taste after settling within another day or so.



Here's what we are offering.-  

 - For just £150 / euro 170 you will have the opportunity to adopt one of our ancient picudo olive trees for one year.

 - We will provide you with a signed certificate welcoming you as an associate olive farmer for the duration of               your adopted period.

 - We will undertake to manage the well-being of your tree for the adopted term.

 - We 'early' harvest our olives in November to maximise the intensity of flavour.

 - We guarantee six litres of extra virgin olive oil packaged in 12x500 ml bespoke bottles.

 - Your bottles can be personally labelled per your instructions and delivery to your home address is included in the        price, making them an ideal Christmas present.  

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